My invention wasn’t given a name because it is simply too amazing to limit it to something as silly as a name. My invention is designed to take your temperature request and send it to our little friend on the sun, who will then let the sun know that it needs to get its act together and make it warm outside. It will listen to what ever you want. Lets just say a certain English teacher gave you a research chunk that was due in two days and you would really like it if it would snow so you could have a day off or even a 2 hour delay to get your chunk done our little friend on the sun would love to help you out in your time of need and he would politely ask if the sun could go away for a day and make it snow just enough to ensure a snow day. Another scenario is that prom is coming up and you need to get a tan so that you can wear a really pretty prom dress that does wash you out, well no need to fear, just type in your request and it will be nice tanning weather so you don’t need to go get skin cancer from the tanning bed.

            It would be a great invention and it would make the world a better place because everyone is so much happier in the summer. In the winter its freezing and most of the time its too cold to go outside so you have to spend 95% of your time in doors, which isn’t fun and it also makes you very pale and all you do all day is eat and get fat. But in the summer everyone is outside being active. You can go to the pool, work in the yard, read outside and get a real tan. In the winter everything dies, which makes people sad and depressed until it gets nice again so with my invention it would decrease obesity and less people would be depressed. I think I’m going to need to get a patient on this invention because it’s kind of amazing and I’m pretty sure Albert Einstein is jealous.


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