Goodbye internet

Day 1

            Today is the start of fall break. That means no school for a whole week! It also means that I have to give one of the luxuries of life up for the entire week. I’ve noticed that I use the Internet quite a bit so I think ill give that up.


Day 2

            So, it’s the second day of break and also the second day without the Internet. Yesterday went very well I didn’t feel the need to get on my computer at all. I spent the day at a walk in memory of my mom’s friend and then I watched movies with my family. Over all it was a great day!


Day 3

            Today was very difficult. I though I’d be fine with out the Internet but I was wrong. I wasn’t feeling the best so I stayed home and slept for most of the day. Being inside and having nothing to do but watch TV is torture. I guess I could have done some of my homework but who wants to do homework on break? Certainly not I!


Day 4

            Even though yesterday wasn’t the best I still kept my head up and didn’t use the Internet. Today was better. I went to AJ Jolly park and played basketball and football with Madison, Wes, Mark, Garrett, Chase, Charlie, Joe, Shelly, Jade, and Olivia. It was a great time. It didn’t even cross my mind that I hadn’t gotten on Facebook, youtube, or pinterest.


Day 5

            I’ve realized that I don’t need the Internet to make me happy. Not being able to use it has only benefited me. It gives me more time to do things like be with my friends and be outside in the fresh air. With that mentality today was very successful. I went to Elizabeth’s house and watched movies the night before, then the next day we went to her dad’s shop and rode quads. It was so much fun and we got extremely muddy. Over all it was a great day.


Day 6

            Today I went to visit Elizabeth after her surgery with Shelly, Erin, and Abby. We sat with her for a while until she fell asleep. For the most part I had busy morning, but I still had the rest of the day in front of me. While sitting at home trying to figure out what to do I almost got on Facebook. I completely forgot about it, but don’t worry I got out of it before it had the chance to completely load. Thankfully we have slow Internet out in 12 mile!


Day 7

            I had a busy day today. I went on a college visit to Morehead with Wes and Olivia. I was gone all day and didn’t have a chance to get on any social media website, mostly because I don’t have a smart phone like most of my friends, I don’t get wifi on the road. The college seemed nice and as far as not getting on the internet goes im doing better then I thought!

Day 8

            Today was the last day I had to abstain from the Internet. It’s only Saturday, but tomorrow I have to blog about my experience so I guess it’s allowed tomorrow. Today was harder then expected. I wanted to get on and see what the world was doing and how everyone’s break was but I couldn’t. I came this far I couldn’t give up now. I decided that instead of tempting myself I went out to my tree house-away from the computer- and started reading A Walk to Remember. It’s an amazing book.


Day 9

Well, i’m writing this blog and i’m very proud of myself. i went for an entire week without getting on the internet. i never realized that i had gotten on it so often until i wasn’t allowed to anymore. it would have been harder for me if i had a smart phone or something that would allow me to access the internet on the go. over all i am glad that i gave it up but i’m also glad it’s over. i will definitely try to spend my time doing other things that are more productive. if we weren’t given this assignment i wouldn’t have given it up, but i might think about giving it up for lent.

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