Now-a-days people aren’t as racist as they used to be, but that doesn’t mean that everything is rainbows and butterflies. Everyone seems to think that white people are so different and superior to black people just because of their sink color. When in reality we aren’t as different as we think.

            After reading “Stuff White People Like” I realized that most of what’s on their list is true. Take a second and think about the differences between white people and black people… what comes to your mind? I think of music, schools, sports, and where we live. Music you think black people would listen to rap and heavy metal bands where as white people would listen to classical or country. Sports people think that black people are automatically better at sports then white people are. Blacks and whites live in different areas. When you think of a black persons home people for some reason automatically think that they would live in “the hood” and that white people live in cities. And last but not least schools. People just start assuming that white people have to go to private rich kid schools while black people go to poor run down schools, which isn’t r\true at all. “Stuff White People Like” makes it seem that all white people care about is school and that we always have to be smarter then the other white person. In a way that can be true sometimes but that isn’t how every white person is.

            Mark Twain makes it perfectly clear that Jim is an uneducated slave. It’s obvious in the way that Twain makes Jim speak. It is completely stereotypical that a black slave would be made to sound like he is uneducated and dumb. Sure, back then when there were slaves most of them weren’t fortunate to receive a quality education, but some of the lucky ones did learn how to read and write.  Twain makes Jim seem very inferior to Huck even though he is so much older than Huck.

            It is horrible how our society can put dumb stereotypes on black people if they can’t afford a good education. People automatically think that just because they are black they can’t afford a good education when there are white people who are in worse situations then some black people. The color of your skin has nothing to do with how smart you are or what kind of education you have. Unfortunately there are some people who don’t allow blacks to have a quality education, but there aren’t a whole lot of them out there. I do not just assume that someone hasn’t gotten a quality education because of his or her skin color. There might have been other times when I have believed a stereotype but it has never been about someone’s education. From my understanding stereotypes play a big role in our society whether it be a dumb blond or an uneducated black, no one deserves to have a stereotype put upon them. 

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