Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is a story that is difficult for my classmates and me to read and understand as is for most people my age. Although it has a good story line and it is very interesting, I think the part that looses most people is the idiom it is spoken in. With me as the director of a modern day Huck Finn movie, I’d make quite a few changes. To start things off I’d keep the original story line but I’d move the time frame up some years to the 1920’s. Why you ask? Well the only logical answer would have to be because it’s the roaring 20’s, who wouldn’t want to live in that time period? Take the up coming Great Depression out of the picture and it would be splendiferous! The language and attire would be modified to the time period as well. The setting would be on the outskirts of Charleston, South Carolina because this is where the Charleston dance originated from and cities were the place to be in the 1920’s. Huck would live on a small farm a little ways outside the city and he would have to go to school in the big city. Huck would be forced by Widow Douglas and Ms. Watson to participate in all the dance contests such as the Lindy hop, Charleston, and the Black Bottom. That means the only time he would ever set foot in a nightclub was when a dance came around and even then he refused to dance. He thought he was too “cool” to dance. When Huck and Jim decide to run away instead of building a raft and going wherever the current took them Huck would enter himself in a “gruesome” contest (how he would explain dancing contests) and his plan was that he would win and get some money out of it. In the meantime Jim would hide in the alley behind the dancehall because he was black. At this time, even though slavery was abolished, it would be considered a crime if they saw him there. Their get away car would be a fire red steam car. They do great until they meet up with the Duck and the King. They capture them and take them to Atlantic City, New Jersey where no one respected or abided by the prohibition law.


Huck Finn……………………………………………………..Eric Dane

Jim……………………………………………………..Gabby Douglas

Tom Sawyer……………………………………….Macaulay Clukin

Huck’s Pap………………………………………..Jimmy Evans

The Widow Douglas……………………………Meryl Streep

Ms. Watson…………………………………………Meredith Monroe

The Duke & the King…………………………burglars from Home Alone

Mary Jane………………………………………….Miley Cyrus

Colonel Grangerford……………………………..Peter Fancinelli

I chose Eric Dane aka Mark Sloan from Greys Anatomy to play Huck because he gives off the vibe of a bad boy but you can tell he is sweet and soft inside. I chose a boy version of Gabby Douglas to play Jim because she is strong and independent and she does what she is told. Macaulay Clukin (Kevin in Home Alone) will play Tom Sawyer because he is clever and is good at coming up with extravagant schemes. Jimmy Evans (Alex Korev’s dad in Grey’s Anatomy) will play Huck’s Pap because he does a phenomenal job at playing the part of an abusive drunk. Meryl Streep (Helena from a Midsummer Night’s Dream) will play the Widow Douglas because she is laid back and sweet. Meredith Monroe (Andy from Dawson’s Creek) will play Ms. Watson because she is strict and likes things to be done right. The Burglars from Home Alone will play the King and the Duke because they are stupid and they make silly mistakes. They also end up getting caught and taught a lesson by a child. Miley Cyrus will play Mary Jane because at the end of the last song she was sweet and sensitive just like Mary Jane was when she heard about the slave families being split apart. Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen in Twilight) will play Colonel Grangerford because in Twilight he is an experienced doctor that everyone looks up to and is afraid of at the same time. The Cullen family is also in a feud with the wolves just like the Grangerfords are with the Shepherdsons.

I do realize that the selection of actors and actresses is very vast, and they would have to be put into a time machine so their ages match their parts.

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